Superconducting Quantum Circuits
Group of Gerhard Kirchmair

Publications Gerhard KIRCHMAIR



  • N. Diaz-Naufal, L. Deeg, D. Zoepfl, C. Schneider, M. L. Juan, G. Kirchmair, A. Metelmann Kerr enhanced optomechanical cooling in the unresolved sideband regime arXiv:2410.15435 (ID: 721277)
  • D. Atanasova, I. Yang, T. Hönigl-Decrinis, D. Gusenkova, I. M. Pop, G. Kirchmair In-situ tunable interaction with an invertible sign between a fluxonium and a post cavity arXiv:2409.07612 (ID: 721273)
  • M. Zanner, R. Albert, E. I. Rosenthal, S. Casulleras-Guardia, I. Yang, C. Schneider, O. Romero-Isart, G. Kirchmair Spatial Addressing of Qubits in a Dispersive Waveguide arXiv:2407.10617 (ID: 721271)
  • A. Sharafiev, G. Kirchmair, M. L. Juan, M. Cattaneo Leveraging collective effects for thermometry in waveguide quantum electrodynamics arXiv:2407.05958 (ID: 721270)
  • L. Deeg, D. Zoepfl, N. Diaz-Naufal, M. L. Juan, A. Metelmann, G. Kirchmair Optomechanical Backaction in the Bistable Regime arXiv:2406.04217 (ID: 721263)
  • J. Yang, T. E. Agrenius Gustafsson, V. Usova, O. Romero-Isart, G. Kirchmair Hot Schrödinger Cat States arXiv:2406.03389 (ID: 721262)



  • D. Zöpfl, M. L. Juan, N. Diaz-Naufal, C. Schneider, L. Deeg, A. Sharafiev, A. Metelmann, G. Kirchmair Kerr Enhanced Backaction Cooling in Magnetomechanics PRL 130, 33601 (2023). (ID: 720816)



  • R. Holzinger, R. Gutierrez Jauregui, T. Hönigl-Decrinis, G. Kirchmair, A. Asenjo Garcia, Helmut Ritsch Control of Localized Single- and Many-Body Dark States in Waveguide QED Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, (2022). (ID: 720918)
  • T. Orell, M. Zanner, M. L. Juan, A. Sharafiev, R. Albert, S. Oleschko, G. Kirchmair, M. Silveri Collective bosonic effects in an array of transmon devices Phys. Rev. A 105, (2022). (ID: 720925)
  • M. Zanner, T. Orell, C. Schneider, R. Albert, S. Oleschko, M. L. Juan, M. Silveri, G. Kirchmair Coherent control of a symmetry-engineered multi-qubit dark state in waveguide quantum electrodynamics Nature Phys. 18, (2022). (ID: 720659)



  • P. Heidler, C. Schneider, K. Kustura, C. Gonzalez-Ballestero, O. Romero-Isart, G. Kirchmair Non-Markovian Effects of Two-Level Systems in a Niobium Coaxial Resonator with a Single-Photon Lifetime of 10 ms Phys. Rev. Applied 16, 34024 (2021). (ID: 720630)
  • R. Asensio-Perea, A. Parra-Rodriguez, G. Kirchmair, E. Solano, E. Rico Ortega Chiral states and nonreciprocal phases in a Josephson junction ring Phys. Rev. B 103, 224525 (2021). (ID: 720583)
  • A. Sharafiev, M. L. Juan, O. Gargiulo, M. Zanner, S. Wögerer, J. García-Ripoll, G. Kirchmair Visualizing the emission of a single photon with frequency and time resolved spectroscopy Quantum 5, 474 (2021). (ID: 720494)
  • E. I. Rosenthal, C. Schneider, M. Malnou, Z. Zhao, F. Leditzky, B. J. Chapman, W. Wustmann, X. Ma, D. A. Palken, M. Zanner, L. R. Vale, G. C. Hilton, J. Gao, G. Smith, G. Kirchmair, K. Lehnert Efficient and low-backaction quantum measurement using a chip-scale detector Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 90503 (2021). (ID: 720580)
  • O. Gargiulo, S. Oleschko, J. Prat-Camps, M. Zanner, G. Kirchmair Fast flux control of 3D transmon qubits using a magnetic hose Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, (2021). (ID: 720099)



  • D. Zöpfl, M. L. Juan, C. Schneider, G. Kirchmair Single-Photon Cooling in Microwave Magnetomechanics PRL 125, 23601 (2020). (ID: 720518)
  • P. Guimond, B. Vermersch, M. L. Juan, A. Sharafiev, G. Kirchmair, P. Zoller A Unidirectional On-Chip Photonic Interface for Superconducting Circuits npj Quantum Information 6, (2020). (ID: 720478)





  • J. Prat-Camps, P. Maurer, G. Kirchmair, O. Romero-Isart Circumventing Magnetostatic Reciprocity: A Diode for Magnetic Fields Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 213903 (2018). (ID: 719978)
  • P. R. Muppalla, O. Gargiulo, S. Mirzaei, B. Venkatesh, M. L. Juan, L. Grünhaupt, I. M. Pop, G. Kirchmair Bistability in a Mesoscopic Josephson Junction Array Resonator Phys. Rev. B 97, 24518 (2018). (ID: 719817)



  • D. Zöpfl, C. Schneider, P. R. Muppalla, S. Kasemann, S. Partel, G. Kirchmair Characterization of low loss microstrip resonators as a building block for circuit QED in a 3D waveguide AIP ADV 7, (2017). (ID: 719818)



  • N. Friis, A. Melnikov, G. Kirchmair, H. J. Briegel Coherent controlization using superconducting qubits Sci. Rep. 5, 18036 (2015). (ID: 719310)
  • E. T. Holland, B. Vlastakis, R. W. Heeres, M. J. Reagor, U. Vool, Z. Leghtas, L. Frunzio, G. Kirchmair, M. H. Devoret, M. Mirrahimi, R. Schoelkopf Single-photon Resolved Cross-Kerr Interaction for Autonomous Stabilization of Photon-number States Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 180501 (2015). (ID: 719226)
  • G. Via, G. Kirchmair, O. Romero-Isart Strong Single-Photon Coupling in Superconducting Quantum Magnetomechanics Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 143602 (2015). (ID: 719099)
  • M. Dalmonte, S. Mirzaei, P. R. Muppalla, D. Marcos, P. Zoller, G. Kirchmair Dipolar Spin Models with Arrays of Superconducting Qubits Phys. Rev. B 92, 174507 (2015). (ID: 719116)



  • L. Sun, A. Petrenko, Z. Leghtas, B. Vlastakis, G. Kirchmair, K. M. Sliwa, A. Narla, M. Hatridge, S. Shankar, J. Blumoff, L. Frunzio, M. Mirrahimi, M. H. Devoret, R. Schoelkopf Tracking Photon Jumps with Repeated Quantum Non-Demolition Parity Measurements Nature 511, 448 (2014). (ID: 718654)



  • B. Vlastakis, G. Kirchmair, Z. Leghtas, S. E. Nigg, L. Frunzio, S. M. Girvin, M. Mirrahimi, M. H. Devoret, R. Schoelkopf Deterministically encoding quantum information in 100-photon Schrödinger cat states Science 342, 610 (2013). (ID: 718631)
  • Z. Leghtas, G. Kirchmair, B. Vlastakis, R. Schoelkopf, M. H. Devoret, M. Mirrahimi Hardware-efficient autonomous quantum memory protection Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 120501 (2013). (ID: 718630)
  • Z. Leghtas, G. Kirchmair, B. Vlastakis, M. H. Devoret, R. Schoelkopf, M. Mirrahimi Deterministic protocol for mapping a qubit to coherent state superpositions in a cavity Phys. Rev. A 87, 042315 (2013). (ID: 718629)
  • G. Kirchmair, B. Vlastakis, Z. Leghtas, S. E. Nigg, H. Paik, E. Ginossar, M. Mirrahimi, L. Frunzio, S. M. Girvin, R. Schoelkopf Observation of quantum state collapse and revival due to the single-photon Kerr effect Nature 495, 209 (2013). (ID: 718628)



  • A. P. Sears, A. Petrenko, G. Catelani, H. Paik, G. Kirchmair, L. Frunzio, L. I. Glazman, S. M. Girvin, R. Schoelkopf Photon shot noise dephasing in the strong-dispersive limit of circuit QED Phys. Rev. B 86, 180504 (2012). (ID: 718627)
  • S. E. Nigg, H. Paik, B. Vlastakis, G. Kirchmair, S. Shankar, L. Frunzio, M. H. Devoret, R. J. Schoelkopf, S. M. Girvin Black-Box superconducting circuit quantization Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 240502 (2012). (ID: 718196)



  • H. Paik, D. I. Schuster, L. S. Bishop, G. Kirchmair, G. Catelani, A. P. Sears, B. R. Johnson, M. J. Reagor, L. Frunzio, L. I. Glazman, S. M. Girvin, M. H. Devoret, R. J. Schoelkopf Observation of High Coherence in Josephson Junction Qubits Measured in a Three-Dimensional Circuit QED Architecture Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 240501 (2011). (ID: 718197)
  • B. P. Lanyon, C. Hempel, D. Nigg, M. Müller, R. Gerritsma, F. Zähringer, P. Schindler, J. T. Barreiro, M. Rambach, G. Kirchmair, M. Hennrich, P. Zoller, R. Blatt, C. F. Roos Universal Digital Quantum Simulation with Trapped Ions Science 334, 57 (2011). (ID: 717768)
  • R. Gerritsma, B. P. Lanyon, G. Kirchmair, F. Zähringer, C. Hempel, J. Casanova, J. J. García-Ripoll, E. Solano, R. Blatt, C. F. Roos Quantum simulation of the Klein paradox with trapped ions Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 060503 (2011). (ID: 717611)


  • C. F. Roos, R. Gerritsma, G. Kirchmair, F. Zähringer, E. Solano, R. Blatt Quantum simulation of relativistic quantum physics with trapped ions 22nd International Conference on Atomic Physics (Cairns, Australia, 2010-07-25) J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 264, 012020 (2011). (ID: 717471)



  • F. Zähringer, G. Kirchmair, R. Gerritsma, E. Solano, R. Blatt, C. F. Roos Realization of a Quantum Walk with One and Two Trapped Ions Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 100503 (2010). (ID: 717148)
  • O. Gühne, M. Kleinmann, A. Cabello, J. Larson, G. Kirchmair, F. Zähringer, R. Gerritsma, C. F. Roos Compatibility and noncontextuality for sequential measurements Phys. Rev. A 81, 022121 (2010). (ID: 717143)
  • R. Gerritsma, G. Kirchmair, F. Zähringer, E. Solano, R. Blatt, C. F. Roos Quantum simulation of the Dirac equation Nature 463, 71 (2010). (ID: 716977)



  • G. Kirchmair, F. Zähringer, R. Gerritsma, M. Kleinmann, O. Gühne, A. Cabello, R. Blatt, C. Roos State-independent experimental test of quantum contextuality Nature 460, 494 (2009) (ID: 695207)
  • G. Kirchmair, J. Benhelm, F. Zähringer, R. Gerritsma, C. Roos, R. Blatt High-fidelity entanglement of 43Ca+ hyperfine clock states Phys. Rev. A 79, 020304 (2009) (ID: 657856)
  • G. Kirchmair, J. Benhelm, F. Zähringer, R. Gerritsma, C. Roos, R. Blatt Deterministic entanglement of ions in thermal states of motion 11, 023002 (2009) (ID: 655090)
  • M. Chwalla, J. Benhelm, K. Kim, G. Kirchmair, T. Monz, M. Riebe, P. Schindler, A. Villar, W. Hänsel, C. Roos, R. Blatt, M. Abgrall, G. Santarelli, G. D. Rovera, P. Laurent Absolute frequency measurement of the 40Ca+ 4s 2S1/2 - 3d 2D5/2 clock transition Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 023002 (2009) (ID: 650530)


  • M. Chwalla, J. Benhelm, K. Kim, G. Kirchmair, T. Monz, M. Riebe, P. Schindler, A. Villar, W. Hänsel, C. F. Roos, R. Blatt, M. Abgrall, G. Santarelli, D. Rovera, P. Laurent Absolute frequency measurement of the 40Ca+ S1/2-D5/2 clock transition Proceedings of the 7th symposium on frequency standards and metrology 7th symposium on frequency standards and metrology (Pacific Grove, 2008-10-05) , 108 (2009). (ID: 716779)
  • J. Benhelm, G. Kirchmair, R. Gerritsma, F. Zähringer, T. Monz, P. Schindler, M. Chwalla, W. Hänsel, M. Hennrich, C. F. Roos, R. Blatt Ca+ quantum bits for quantum information processing Physica Scripta T137, 014008 (2009). (ID: 716979)



  • R. Gerritsma, G. Kirchmair, F. Zähringer, J. Benhelm, R. Blatt, C. Roos Precision measurement of the branching fractions of the 4p 2P3/2 decay of Ca II Eur. Phys. J. D 50, 13 (2008) (ID: 621123)
  • J. Benhelm, G. Kirchmair, C. Roos, R. Blatt Experimental quantum information processing with 43Ca+ ions Phys. Rev. A 77, 062306 (2008) (ID: 595124)
  • J. Benhelm, G. Kirchmair, C. Roos, R. Blatt Towards fault-tolerant quantum computing with trapped ions Nature Phys. 4, 463 (2008) (ID: 578533)



  • J. Benhelm, G. Kirchmair, U. D. Rapol, T. Körber, C. Roos, R. Blatt Measurement of the hyperfine structure of the S1/2-D5/2 transition in 43Ca+ Phys. Rev. A 75, 032506 (2007) (ID: 461034)

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