Physicist shed light on the darkness

Experimental physicists led by Gerhard Kirchmair, together with theoretical physicists at the University of Oulu, Finland, have succeeded for the first time in controlling protected quantum states - so-called dark states - in superconducting quantum bits. The entangled states are 500 times more robust and could be used, for example, in quantum simulations. The method could also be used on other technological platforms.
Consonance between Micromechanics and a Circuit

In the journal Physical Review Letters, Gerhard Kirchmair’s and Oriol Romero-Isart’s research team has presented a new proposal for the coupling between a micro-mechanic oscillator and a superconducting quantum circuit. The experiment will soon be implemented in Innsbruck, offering new insights into the quantum properties of macroscopic mechanical systems.
Photons as Reliable Quantum Memories

[2013-09-27] Researchers from Yale University and quantum physicist Gerhard Kichmair have recently succeeded in encoding the quantum information of a superconducting quantum bit in more than 100 entangled photons. The method, published in Science, could be the foundation for a new type of quantum memory.
Introducing Quantum Physics in a Refrigerator

[2013-06-17] The quantum physicists in Innsbruck welcome an addition to their team: Gerhard Kirchmair – a young aspiring physicist who brings a new technology to the Tyrol. The young scientist will investigate quantum mechanical phenomena by using superconducting circuits to build hybrid architectures for quantum information processing.