Superconducting Quantum Circuits
Research in the group around G. Kirchmair is focused on “Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics Systems” consisting of superconducting circuits and superconducting Qubits.
The artificial two level systems, i.e. Qubits, are realized by making use of the non-linearity of a Josephson junction. All the necessary superconducting structures are fabricated by micro- and nano-fabrication processes and can be adjusted to match a wide range of desired parameters. Combining the Qubits with other superconducting circuitry makes it possible to realize systems that are suitable for quantum information, quantum simulation and quantum optics experiments. The quantum state of these systems can be controlled and measured by using microwave signals.
We divide our research activities in three main experiments. With one experiment we aim to implement a platform for analogue quantum simulation. With this we intend to simulate interacting spin chains in one and two dimension. In a second experiment, we investigate a mechanical oscillator, which is magnetically coupled to a microwave circuit. In the long term we plan to reach the single photon- single phonon strong coupling regime with this system, a milestone in this field. In our third project we are investigating Josephson junction arrays. Due to the large non-linearities in these circuits, we see pronounced bistability at the single photon level.
Detailed information on our experiments as well as our publications are found in the projects section.
PostDocs wanted
Dr. Gerhard Kirchmair